Part 1: Introduction to the Feldenkrais® Method:
Discovering the Joy and Freedom of Movement
Join me this summer for an ONLINE 4-week class series designed to introduce you to the Feldenkrais® Method. Two options are available (on Tuesdays or Wednesdays) where you will begin to see how the Feldenkrais® Method can help you break through limitations and allow you to, once again, live what you love.
My first experience with the Feldenkrais® Method came in the form of an Awareness Through Movement class in 1985. At the time, I was a physical therapist working at the University of Washington Sports Medicine Clinic and teaching yoga at my local neighborhood center (long before it was cool!). I’d known about Feldenkrais® for over a decade so when a Feldenkrais practitioner began teaching Awareness Through Movement classes across the hall from my yoga class, I decided to check it out. It was nice. . . but rather ho-hum. I was used to rigorous yoga, rock climbing, back country skiing, biking, and running.
That was the first and last ATM class I attended until I joined a four-year Feldenkrais® training twelve years later. I had become disenchanted with work as a PT and needed something that integrated the whole person not simply working on parts. Joining that training completely changed the way I “see” and work with individuals as well as how I live my life—a complete paradigm shift. And I’ve never looked back. Over the years, I have learned the profound power of subtle, a counterintuitive idea in our culture. Clients have told me they feel they are getting younger as they age.
In Part 1 of this 4-week Summer series (taught fully online), I would like to share this transformative experience with you. Through gentle movements, the Feldenkrais® Method works by engaging the nueroplastic-power of your brain—the thing that runs your life. The movements that you will learn in these classes will remind your nervous system and your body the way you were designed to move, guiding you back to supple freedom and mobility of your youth.
Series A (Tuesdays):
July 21 – August 11
4 Tuesdays, 4:00 – 5:15 PM Pacific Time
Fee: $ 75.00
Series B (Wednesdays):
July 22 – August 12
4 Wednesdays 5:00 – 6:15 Pacific Time
Fee: $ 75.00
Included in each four-week series:
• Awareness Through Movement lesson each class
• Mini lectures on basic principles of the Method and necessary anatomy
• Demos
• Question & Answer period provided
• Recordings of ATM lessons to practice during the week
NOTE: As part of your $75.00 registration for either Series A or B, will are welcome to attend BOTH weekly sessions. A Zoom link to both classes will be sent to registered participants in advance of the first class. Stay tuned for additional information on Part 2 and 3 of this series, to be offered later this year.
Produced by the Feldenkrais® Guild of North America, the video introduces you to the Method through a class setting and many enriching interviews from a wide spectrum of individuals sharing the positive impact Feldenkrais® has had on their lives.